

I feel like I haven't posted in quite some time. Unfortunately it's because my arm is doing something really weird. It'll just start hurting and feel odd. But yeah. Hopefully I will be able to get some comics done this week and post them! I've got lots of idea written down, it's just a matter of getting them put to paint. :-)


Macy's Hates Me: Part 2

So, I had to post another one of these because in my last post about Macy's, I looked at my schedule. And I kinda wanted to die. I saw that little star again...and it was all like this:

And it was kind of discouraging. No joke, this is my schedule:

But when I was looking at this, this is what I actually saw:

So as you can see, Macy's Star has something against me. Because I caught him writing "You suck" on my schedule. My Macy's schedule is just so ridiculous. But oh well. I'll get through it. :-)


Dear Xbox 360:

my friends killed "the awesome"

Cartoon dedicated to the phrase "killed the awesome." Thanks to Brittany Kent and Elizabeth Christjansen.

Macy's Hates Me

So, I work at Macy's. Actually, I was very fortunate in getting a job that I actually wanted, especially considering how hard ANY job is to get these days. 

I work at the Clinique counter, and I honestly love my job. When I am actually doing something. And I know that I shouldn't be complaining that I am getting paid to stand and do nothing for 4 hours, but I am the kind of person that when I am working, I want to actually be working. Especially with this job. I love getting to work with clients to help them with thier makeup and skin care needs. Make up is my passion, and getting to be paid to do it is such an awesome thing for me.

But the way my schedule has been working, I get scheduled from 6pm to 11:15 pm or 12:15 pm. The mall closes at 9 pm, meaning the crowd thins out at around 8pm and by 9pm, there is basically no one in the store. So for 2-3 hours, I get no sales. And it's really irritating for me personally, because I try really hard to get sales from 6pm-8pm because I KNOW that after that time, there isn't much hope for me. 

So I've just come to the conclusion that Macy's doesn't really like me for some reason.

Here is my photographic evidence.

See the hate it that star's eyes? It wants to make me feel like a failure.

Stupid star. If I had a really big needle, you'd be flattened by now.